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May 8-11, Portland, Oregon • Guest Teachers:

Prof. Saracuru

About Professor Saracuru: Originally from Paris, France Professor Saracuru began capoeira at age 13 and rose to fame after winning the World Capoeira Capu Championship in 2006. In 2010 he moved to Los Angeles California where he opened his own capoeira school and has been teaching since. In 2013 he won the Seattle Unidos Pela Capoeira competition and in 2019 he won the Capoeira Brasil World Championship in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; he was also the first non-Brazilian to win that competition. He is known as an amazing teacher, acrobat, and singer. He regularly is invited as a guest teacher at capoeira events and will be promoted to the rank of Formando (Contramestre) in the near future.

Mestre Lobão

About Mestre Lobão: Born in 1952 in the city of Itabuna, Bahia, Mestre Lobão began studying capoeira in the 1960s with Mestres Antônio Rodrigues and Mestre Luiz Medicina. He moved to São Paulo in the 1960s where he studied with Mestre Suassuna and Grupo Cordão de Ouro and graduated in 1970. In 1971 he founded Grupo Besouro Manganga in the city of São José dos Campos, just north of São Paulo, and began his ever growing legacy. Today he has been playing capoeira for over 50 years, holds degrees in physical education, and travels yearly around the world as a leading teacher and authority of capoeira.

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